10th Internation Fire Ecology and Management Congress
The 10th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress will be held in Monterey, California December 4-8, 2023.
The 10th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress will be held in Monterey, California December 4-8, 2023.
Share your people-centred ideas, field experiences, cutting-edge research, development projects, practical applications and theoretical models at the world’s largest and most important gathering of the forest sector.
Join your fellow land managers, fire managers, ecologists, researchers, volunteers, and land owners connected through our common challenges of keeping fire working for the land.
NFPA’s Wildland Fire Operations Division is seeking education session proposals for the 2015 Backyards & Beyond® Wildfire Education Conference October 22-24, 2015, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
This joint conferences offers a forum where past experience and lessons learned are documented, current work showcased, and emerging ideas/technology presented to provide a strong foundation that will facilitate setting a course to the future that addresses and responds to developing challenges locally, regionally, and globally.
At the WUI conference you'll learn about the latest programs at work in the wildland community. It's also the perfect place to learn about new resources and how they can benefit you and your community. Tap into the knowledge being shared and get involved when you attend WUI.
The Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) is pleased to announce the 6th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress to be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Since 2000, AFE has hosted a Fire Congress every three years.
Join the Society for Range Management to celebrate "Managing Diversity" January 31st - February 6, 2015. Featured symposia, workshops, and field tours include:
Conference Theme: Fire of the Past, Fire in Future
The conference will address:
Global natural and cultural fire heritage
Protecting the global natural and cultural heritage from fire
Towards a cohesive global fire management strategy