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Type | Description |
Fire Facts | Fire Facts: What Is? Prescribed Burn Date Published In order to meet preidentified objectives, prescribed burns are lit under specific conditions to produce desirable results such as favorable plant response, healthy forest and rangeland conditions for grazing and wildlife habitat, silvicultural treatments, indigenous cultural practices, and reduced wildfire hazard. |
Fire Facts | Fire Facts: What is? Prescribed Fire Liability Year 2020 Prescribed fire liability from escaped fire in the United States falls under one of three Standards of Care: strict liability, simple negligence, or gross negligence. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Parts of a Wildfire Year 2019 There are many parts of a wildfire and wildland firefighters use specific terminology to describe each part. Fire Facts: What are? Parts of a Wildfire |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Types of Fire Year 2019 There are three basic types of forest fires: ground, surface, and crown. Fire Facts: What are? Types of Fire |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Wildfire Smoke Year 2019 Wildfire smoke is typically a mixture of water vapor, gases, fine particles, and trace minerals from burning fuels like trees and vegetation, other organic components, and, sometimes, building materials. Fire Facts: What is? Wildfire Smoke |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What are? Measures of Fire Behavior Year 2018 There are four main parameters used by fire managers to describe fire behavior. Read more at Fire Facts: What are? Measures of Fire Behavior |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fuel Year 2017 Any material that burns. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Fuel. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fire Behavior Year 2017 Fire behavior is the way a fire acts - how and when fuels ignite, flames develop, and fire spreads as influenced by its interaction with fuel, weather, and topography. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Fire Behavior. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Topography Year 2017 The relief features or surface configuration of an area. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Topography. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Weather Year 2017 Weather describes short-term variations in the atmosphere from hot to cold, wet to dry, calm to stormy, clear to cloudy. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Weather. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? WUI Year 2017 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is the area where human development and the natural world meet or intermingle. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? WUI. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? BAER Year 2016 Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) is an assessment intended to protect life, property, water quality, important archeological resources, and impacted ecosystems from further damage. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? BAER |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: When is? A Fire Contained, Controlled, and Out Year 2016 A fire is always contained before it is controlled. Read more at, Fire Facts: When is? A Fire Contained, Controlled, and Out |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Fire Triangle Year 2016 The Fire Triangle is a simple way of understanding the components of fire. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Fire Triangle. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Incident Command System Year 2016 The Incident Command System (ICS) was developed to help agencies (federal, state, and local) manage wildland fires. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Incident Command System. |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? A Fire Adapted Community Year 2016 A Fire Adapted Community acknowledges and takes responsibility for its risk of wildfires and takes appropriate actions at all levels of the community. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? A Fire Adapted Community |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? IMET Year 2016 National Weather Service Incident Meteorologists (IMET) provide onsite, tactical weather support for wildland fires and other incidents. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? IMET |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? CWPP Year 2016 A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a plan developed by a community in an area at-risk from wildfire. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? CWPP |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Natural Range of Variability Year 2016 The Natural Range of Variation is a description of the conditions of an ecosystem over space and time. Read more at: Fire Facts: What is? Natural Range of Variability |
Fire Facts | NWFSC Fire Facts: What is? Red Flag Warning Year 2016 A Red Flag Warning is issued by the National Weather Service (NWS) to alert land management agencies about the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and fuel moisture conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity. Read more at Fire Facts: What is? Red Flag Warning |