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Public Perceptions of Fire and Smoke

Displaying 11 - 20 of 66

Solastalgia to Soliphilia: Cultural Fire, Climate Change, and Indigenous Healing

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Wildly destructive fires, wind driven through unmanaged and untended lands, take lives and homes and the solace of familiar places. Ash blankets the remains, trauma takes hold, but even when the smoke clears and communities begin to heal, there is a loss beyond words. These wildfires reveal the ways many are lacking relationships with the land.

Social Vulnerability in USCommunities Affected by WildfireSmoke, 2011 to 2021

Year of Publication
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Objectives. To describe demographic and social characteristics of US communities exposed to wildfire smoke. Methods. Using satellite-collected data on wildfire smoke with the locations of population centers in the coterminous United States, we identified communities potentially exposed to light-, medium-, and heavy-density smoke plumes for each day from 2011 to 2021.