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Starker Lecture Series - Living with Fire Workshop

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Burning Questions: Forest, Fires & People

Over the past several years, there has been an increase in the number and severity of wildfires in Oregon.  This trend is expected to continue as the Pacific Northwest become increasingly vulnerable to the effects of a changing climate including, decreased snowpack, higher temperatures and drought, and declining forest health.  These environmental changes increase the risk of catastrophic wildfire impacting communities living in the wildland-urban interface. Wildfire was once considered to be a risk only for people living in rural areas; however it is quickly becoming a reality for urban neighborhoods.  Recent fires in Corvallis and Portland illustrate the need for rural and urban communities alike to adapt to the changing conditions of their environment in which they live. The 2016 Starker Lecture will address the “new normal” of living with fire, and will offer individuals, neighborhoods, and communities useful information and strategies for living in a changing environment.

April 8, 2016, 10:00am, La Sells Stewart Center Ag Production Room, Living with Fire Workshop, Speaker: Ed Smith, Natural Resource Specialist, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension

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