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fireline intensity

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Effect of flame zone depth on the correlation of flame length with fireline intensity

Year of Publication
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Background: Previously established correlations of flame length L with fireline intensity IB are based on theory and data which showed that flame zone depth D of a line fire could be neglected if L was much greater than D. Aims: We evaluated this correlation for wildland fires where D is typically a non-negligible proportion of L (i.e. roughly L/D < ~2).

The impact of aging on laboratory fire behaviour in masticated shrub fuelbeds of California and Oregon, USA

Year of Publication
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Mastication of shrubs and small trees to reduce fire hazard has become a widespread management practice, yet many aspects of the fire behaviour of these unique woody fuelbeds remain poorly understood. To examine the effects of fuelbed aging on fire behaviour, we conducted laboratory burns with masticated Arctostaphylos spp. and Ceanothus spp.