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Living with Wildfire: The State of Practice in Western Communities

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On the order of Congress, the federal land and fire management agencies are collaboratively developing a “National Cohesive Wildfire Management Strategy” (Cohesive Strategy). In order to integrate the experience and insights of community stakeholders working on fire management issues in the west, leaders responsible for the Western Region Cohesive Strategy needed a strong understanding of current trends, needs and opportunities. This assessment was designed to provide that information and is intended to inform strategies, policies and programs emerging through the Cohesive Strategy and in subsequent national fire management investments and priorities going forward. We framed the assessment around the three goals set out in the Cohesive Strategy: response to wildfire, fire adapted communities, and resilient landscapes.

N. Goulette

Goulette N. Living with Wildfire: The State of Practice in Western Communities. Hayfork, CA: The Watershed Center; 2012 p. 49. Available from:…

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