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Incorporating Climate Adaptation into Natural Hazards Mitigation Planning

Addressing ‘climate change’ at the local, state, or Tribal-level may feel like trying to tackle an amorphous idea, on top of an already heavy work load. The natural hazards mitigation plan, however, can provide a structured format for addressing specific impacts of climate change within existing planning efforts; and provide a starting point for linking with other planning mechanisms. This webinar will explore the potential of the plan and the planning process for addressing climate science and adaptation options. Topics covered will include where to find data on climate change impacts, how to prioritize specific impacts for your community, and examples of integrating data into the hazard risk assessments and mitigation actions.

Join the FEMA Region 10 mitigation planning team as the benefits of integrating future conditions into hazard mitigation plans are explored, and examples are provided.

1 CEC for ASFPM Certified Floodplain Managers

Registration is free, and required

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